You are most vulnerable if your computer has a rootkit. Your system is compromised, and you are unaware of what is happening. Catching the threat as soon as possible is the only way to alter this unjust equilibrium.

can antivirus detect rootkits

can antivirus detect rootkits? By identifying malicious attempts to access system functions, the antivirus can find a rootkit. Some programs do avast one rootkit scan in search of signatures. The most effective ones rely on behavioral analysis; they look for firmware root-specific actions rather than the actual rootkit.

The finest antivirus software should, as usual, detect a rootkit in progress and reduce harm. If only you could stay out of such predicaments… But wait, rootkits are something you can actually defeat! You’ll be a lot, lot safer if you adhere to the instructions below.

Video: Rootkit Detection and Removal 

Rootkit Detection


An example of malware is a rootkit. It is difficult to find and get rid of, and it can seriously harm any system malicious program.

Rootkits are tools created by cyber criminals that allow them remote access to the machines they have infected.

can antivirus detect rootkits

On the one hand, a hacker has access to information about your credit card, internet banking, and other crucial passwords. On the other hand, it will employ the rootkit malware to take over the operating system and disable or render ineffective your antivirus on a windows pc.

Therefore, rootkit malware grants remote control to intruders. It’s much harder to find than most other varieties of malware. It may be weeks or even months before anyone notices.

And how you use the device throughout that time will have a big impact on the amount of damage it can do in windows os.


Application, system, library, and kernel levels are all targets for rootkits. The kernel mode rootkit is without a doubt the most hazardous kind of rootkit attack. There is nothing more perilous than an attack on a system’s core, after all.


To elaborate, rootkits can be divided into the following categories based on where they are installed and what they compromise on a device:

  • Hardware rootkit, which can infect a router or even a computer’s hard disk.
  • Rootkit attack software that will infect the BIOS.
  • The rootkit for the bootloader, which is active before you switch on the operating system, is infected with this!
  • Memory rootkit, which targets your device’s RAM and permits malicious actions to take place in the background.
  • Every time you open a standard file from an application like Paint, Word, Excel, or Notepad, an application rootkit that targets such files will allow hackers access to your computer.
  • Kernel-mode rootkit: will infect the operating system’s core, enabling hackers to alter how the OS functions.

The memory rootkit would be the easiest to use out of all of them, as you might expect. Typically, it won’t persist very long because it activates in the RAM. Although, in certain cases, one would need to take additional actions to get rid of such a rootkit, restarting the system is pretty much the end of its life.


Your device connects with the outside world when a malicious rootkit is active. This results in a running process being present. Not just any process, but one that uses a port to keep communication open and answer queries.

The issue is that rootkits are generally very well concealed. And because they want to remain that way, the symptoms of infection aren’t particularly striking. You’ll need to be aware of what and where to look.


Theoretically, the only way to determine if you have a rootkit is to examine the currently active processes and look for anything suspicious. To find and open a port, you might also try scanning your local host.

In actuality, though, you might accomplish the aforementioned two steps and still fail to find the malicious software rootkit-especially if it’s a well-hidden one. Since well-hidden rootkits will indeed conceal themselves from the process list. Additionally, those who rely on port knocking are unlikely to be detected by a straightforward port check.

Because of this, you might need to take preventative measures and use specialized software, such as sophisticated Antivirus that can find rootkits.


Rootkits are challenging to both find and detect. In some cases, erasing the OS and reinstalling it from scratch may be the only option. Using a specialized rootkit removal tool might work if the problems aren’t irreparable.


You should have the choice to remove a rootkit using the same antivirus program that discovered it in the first place, as more and more antivirus developers are starting to create rootkit detection algorithms.

Another consideration is that some rootkits may be more difficult to get rid of than others. Depending on where they are ingrained, yes. The ones that attack the firmware, such as BIOS firmware rootkits, are the worst. Even the OS reinstallation won’t remove those!

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Devices can’t get infected by a rootkit on their own. It needs a transport vehicle to disseminate itself. And a lot of the time, it’s concealed behind useful software that you naively select to download under the impression that it’s authentic.

As soon as you give permission for the installation of the software on your device, the rootkit is also installed. Nevertheless, the rootkit won’t operate until the hacker decides to do so. Therefore, it can sit idle on your system for a while before the hacker decides to utilize it.


Now, obtaining a rootkit isn’t limited to using compromised software. Another typical infection vector is using a compromised device to connect to a shared drive. The same holds true when downloading things from dubious websites. You might also obtain it through email phishing attacks.

Knowing how rootkits operate and how to avoid becoming infected should provide you with more detailed instructions on avoiding rootkit infection. But in order to provide you with some practical advice, here are some things you should pay close attention to:

1. Avoid downloading dubious files

Be wary if someone you don’t know sends you anything you didn’t request! The drawback is that there is a strong desire to download the material. Please refrain from downloading any files, opening any attachments, or clicking on any dubious links. Always err on the side of caution.

2. Guard Against Drive-By Downloads

Due to the fact that many internet users are unaware of the risks, drive-by downloads are especially risky. By just viewing a website that has malware on it, or in this case, a rootkit, you can get the infection. Nothing needs to be downloaded while you are there. Installation happens automatically.

What’s worse is that drive-by downloads can happen even on websites that are legitimate but have been hacked for this reason. So even a website that doesn’t seem odd at all could include dangerous code. Focus on defense against drive-by downloads because you cannot identify this threat on your own:

To benefit from the most recent security fixes, keep all of your software up to date.

Installing specialized web-filtering software might help you avoid visiting infected websites.

Use a user account, not an admin account, to access your computer.

3. Avoid Falling for Phishing Email’ Tricks

You are generally tricked into clicking a link in phishing emails. This could cause you to download something, such as a rootkit, or it could send you to a website that has been hacked, where you could, as mentioned above, get a drive-by download.

Due to their persuasive nature, phishing emails continue to be opened by a large number of recipients. They attempt to sound like financial institutions, such as banks or credit card companies, when they communicate. It makes sense if you wish to respond to any messages you have received from a financial institution. However, never click on a link in an email to perform this action.

Instead, open a new tab in your web browser and manually type the URL of the institution’s website anytime you are prompted to confirm your identification or update some information. Instead of clicking a link in an email, log in manually!

4. Never disregard a notification of an update.

Take any updates you are alerted about, whether they are for the operating system, the antivirus software, or specific programs. Updates are intended to enhance the functionality and security of the program they address.

You are best protected if you use the most recent software versions. The least you can do to combat this cunning form of malware known as a rootkit is this.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can antivirus remove rootkits?

Most antivirus and antimalware products, including those from Norton, McAfee, and Avast as well as Malwarebytes, HijackThis, Spybot, and other tools that aren’t considered comprehensive antivirus software, cannot remove or even identify true rootkits.

Can Windows Defender detect rootkits?

However, if you have Windows 10, you may utilize the Microsoft Defender Offline function to scan and remove any malware, no matter how difficult it is to find, including viruses, rootkits, ransomware, and other harmful software.

How do rootkits go undetected?

Rootkits can evade detection by most anti-malware programs by utilizing some of the lowest levels of the operating system, such as API function redirection or undocumented OS functionalities.

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